. . .mY bLoG, mY aCcOuNt, mY jOurNaL, mY LoG, mY cHroNoLoGy, mY cOnFeSsiOn, mY LiFe . . .

This is REALLy VERy FUNNy!

GOt this from my friend's blog... and i think it's really very funny! haha..I read it 2 times to get the joke! Intelligently funny!

I'm Alive!

Yes yes! I'm here to blog...to show that i'm still alive! TOooOoO busy to blog! Anyway, here's a bean plant that I've been taking care of (Uncle actually!) since Chinese New Year! you know..those seeds with lucky numbers on them?
It's SOOoOO BIG! now! I like to see things grow! Shaun just bought some tortoise... i've been thinking of getting them too...but ah yee dun allow :( I'm seriously thinking of buying some more seeds to plant! hehe~

This is so funny, I gotta post it here..Sorry dear... hahaha~ was testing out some perfume... you know, they spray it on the strip of paper.. and Shaun's trying to balance it....wahahha... cute~

Here's quite a blur scene of my gaming night! 8 players! The whole row's ours! It was hell-lotta-fun with the 7 guys! we played from 730pm to about 11pm! wanted to play campaign, but ended playing versus the whole evening... way too fun to stop! This friday again man!
ok... that's about all for now! :)

Left 4 Dead

Had a WONDERFUL gaming session with the folks! WJ, QC & ZW! It's been quite some time since we had gaming session.. The last season of craze was DOTA... where QC, WJ and I DOTA-ed weekly for almost a year!

One crazy moment was in Christmas 2007.. where we brought all our laptops, put in on the mahjong table..plus 2 desktops at Veron's place.. Ta dah! Our very own Lan Gaming Place! Dota-ed from 10pm to 6am! non-stop! haha~
Another crazy moment was June 2008 at Downtown East Chalet! We were joking about it.. saying that our chalet unit's the most "expensive" units! With more than 8 laptops here... haha~ We were setting up the Lan Gaming Scene.... and we even took photos of "Team 1 VS Team 2" .. haha... absolutely insane!

I can foresee playing Left 4 Dead for the next few months to come! woah!!!!!

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