. . .mY bLoG, mY aCcOuNt, mY jOurNaL, mY LoG, mY cHroNoLoGy, mY cOnFeSsiOn, mY LiFe . . .


Giving to me is when i'm having exams and my friends give me morning calls.

Giving to me is when my Dad comes into my room to have a see what I am doing.

Giving to me is my Fanny who give me 9 chocolates and leaves 1 for herself.

Giving to me is when Shannies offers to buy lunch/dinner back for me.

Giving to me is when Darling presses the "open" button while i enter the lift.

Giving to me is when I treat my friends for lunch, and they treat me back the next time.

Giving to me is when other people's food looks so much better than mine, and they offer me a bite.

Giving to me is offering food anyway. *grinz*

Giving to me is when i go to a Darling's place and drink the ribena he made.

Giving to me is when associates take time to encourage me and say a kind word.

Giving to me is mummy forgiving me for all the stupid things i've done.

Giving to me is Grandfather trusting me.

Giving to me is when Darling feeds me with medicine when I'm ill.

Giving to me is family and friends not letting go even when i crumbled.

Giving to me is when the television seems kilometers away and my sister switched it on for me.

Giving to me is feeling Darling's arms around me whenever no one's around.

Giving to me is Alvin's bear hug before competitions.

Giving to me is when my friends are there when my world seemed so dark.

Giving to me is when Darling offers to pick me up, and fetch me around.

Giving to me is Darling driving me even when i don't ask.

Giving to me is the time friends spends saying nothing at all, yet being there, which achieves so much more.

Giving to me is when Germin scold and nag at me when she sees that i'm wrong.

Giving to me is God's gift for all the talents and abilities i have.

Giving to me is when Darling calls me every time he misses me.

Giving to me is talking to Mummy about anything under the sun.

Giving to me is when Darling's mummy accepts me.

Giving to me is when Shannie finds out that i took her biscuit and said nothing.

Giving to me is when Ernest clears the trash when it's my duty.

Giving to me is Ernest covering up for me when i do something naughty.

Giving to me is Mummy's golden advices daily.

Giving to me is Darling being there for me always.

These are some of the things i remember that people have given in my life. It is not so much the gifts but the giver.I remembered the smiles and the hugs, their hearts and their prayers.

Gifts are always good but what i remembered most are the people behind the gifts, not the gifts itself.


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