This was written FOR ME:
For You:
seriously.. I dunno what is ur motive of doing all this things.but gonna tell u that, yeah u win! coz I seriously get affected by all ur words..
I dun understand what is the need of fighting so much bcoz of him. I dunno the relationship between u guys are really that simple not. either it is really that simple, or u just falling in love with him again.
I know I cant love him the way I used to love.. so If u can, please go ahead! I dun find a need to do all this jealousy thing with u frankly.. I know both of us are very nice gals.. but we are being ''weird'' these days! This is not what I want!!!
Whatever I blog, is truly from my heart.. If u take it as I am doing all this to ''win'' u, then I am sorry.. U got the wrong idea! coz I already lose him.. so that is. I am real tired. pls let me live happily. I am trying real hard in case u dunno..
anyway, in case u dont realise.. If he is really that good.. he wont make us feel and do all this shit COZ OF HIM!! He is not who I want anymore.. He really make my life tough by guessing what is he really thinkin about.. who he really wants...
Last, I hope u dun misunderstand this post. I would beg u to read it neutrally. thanks m!Though till now, i still haven meet u.. but somehow I wish u are doing fine.. Take Care~ =)
Before I get started, I wanna tell you that I've someone else in my life.
So I've no idea what motive would I actually have. I'm merely blogging the daily events that happened in my life. "He" only takes up about 1 or 2 sentences in my post.
I'm seriously not very interested in winning you, and I'm honestly NOT fighting because of him. Oh man.. you really think too much. That's probably why you get affected by all my words.
I don't see the need either to clarify with you the status of our relationship now. Whether simple or complicated. Obviously, your definition "LOVE" is totally different from mine.
You can love him all you want, I honestly dun give a damn. and I'm definately not playing childish jealousy game with you. But of course, you might be jealous of me... and what's with the "we are being weird these day, this is not what i want" thingy? am i being weird? what did i do boy!
i don't really SCRUTINISE your blog like you did with mine. Please DO NOT assume what I am thinking and what I'm doing. You can go ahead and live happily. Am I like stopping you? I've never even seen you before. Your trying 'real hard' or 'real easy' has nothing to do with me.
He definately did not make me feel shit or do shit. He's making your life tough, not mine. I'm totally ALOOF to it.
Anyway, the ABOVE is to oppose your entry.
BELOW is what i wanna say.......
You're thinking too much, young girl. What I write in my blog might not be referring to him. You're reading and thinking too much into it. That WHOEVER i talk about, you'll think it's him. Is he like the ONLY guy in my life? I'm dun usually NAME pple in my posts. So don't assume all the "HE" and "HIM" or "YOU" or whatever i mention.. is him.
You and I see things differently. I'm rather open with platonic relationship. I can date many guys at one time. Dating DOES NOT equate to being IN a relationship. It's merely.. "getting to know each other". I don't call myself flirtatious(as many would term me as that).. I am just..friendly.. extremely friendly.
We haven't met before. I would term our relationship as "strangers". Not even acquaintance. all the shit about jealousy, winning, fighting..etc.. please, do not get me involved. I'm not a teeny bit interested.
I'm rather liberal. If we ever get "acquainted" or meet on the streets.. I'll wave a "Hi" if you did.