. . .mY bLoG, mY aCcOuNt, mY jOurNaL, mY LoG, mY cHroNoLoGy, mY cOnFeSsiOn, mY LiFe . . .


Our degree of friendship will probably differ after you finally found your other half.

It is rather impossible for a girl & guy to maintain such close friendship without getting into trouble with our other halves. (No matter how deep the trust is). But it IS possible to maintain the same degree of friendship with friends of the same gender.

I'm starting to miss you already. Really.

1. I won't be able to call you everyday, as and when I like to.
2. My handphone bill will drop from $150 to less than $100 a month.
3. When I call, you won't recognise my voice anymore.
4. Don't think we can swim so often together either.
5. You won't wait with me for the wave at the wave pool for almost an hour.
6. You'll be too lazy to go to the lazy pool.
7. I'll not be able to sit in your Honda front passenger seat.
8. It'll be weird if you drive my car.
9. You won't be passing my comb to me anymore.
10. We will never have the chance to visit TUAS. haha~
11. You'll not need to check weather forecast too~
12. You'll not hear me whine the day before my swimming class.
13. I'll not hear you whine the day before your swimming class.
14. I can't sit beside you during gatherings.
15. Then I cannot steal your food, and you can't finish my food for me.
16. I cannot share drinks with you.
17. I'm not the one choosing your interview clothes & ties at G2000 the day before.
18. No more late night Mustafa watch hunting.
19. No more solitary time with you.
20. No more duets with you at KTV.
21. Then it'll be my turn to 青一色
22. Ultimately, i won't even wanna K anymore.
23. You got to learn Butterfly on your own.
24. Backstroke too.
25. Correction of freestyle also.
26. Can't video for each other the way we swim.
27. I'll be walking alone in IKEA.
28. You'll team up and trash me in DOTA
29. Command & Conquer too.
30. WAH-jong also.
31. You'll guard me like siao during Mahjong.
32. Can't play 王力宏 song on my piano.
33. When you make mistakes, I will not tell you..haha~
34. Your Adidas White jacket will be replaced by a new one.
35. It may just turn Black over night.
36. Wallet will be replaced too.
37. oh man! probably IPOD also.
38. Hur hur.. blue carebear blanket's not in use anymore.
39. Then my pink carebear blanket must put away in store.
40. We'll soon not be able to remember each other's HP number by heart.
41. Gotta scroll to Phone Book to search for my name.
42. In times of need, my number will not be the number to dail.
43. No more shampoo and body foam refill.
44. You will continue to store shampoo and body foam in puny contact lens case.
45. Won't be able to use my dunno-left-how-much Loreal styling spray.
46. The BIG bottle of contact lens solution at my place will soon expire.
47. We'll never have the chance to eat SEAFOOD PLATTER FOR TWO at FISH & CO.
48. Must top up 2 combo meals instead of sharing one bowl of soup & a cup of drink.
49. Can't exchange goggles to wear.
50. Can't smell the perfume on your shirt anymore.
51. The perfume you use won't be the one I gave.
52. We won't be jumping in photos anymore.
53. We will be in "Ser-Di-Yah" position.
54. The next time I do friendship test, I won't be getting full marks anymore.
55. And I've yet to claim my ice-cream prize from you.
56. I will soon forget your mole is on which side of your face.
57. And how many pairs of jeans you actually own.
58. You might change to a new brand of boxers.
59. You may be wearing briefs by then.
60. Conversation over the phone will be less than 1 min instead of hours.
61. I won't be able to hear your husky voice in early morning.
62. You'll not buy earrings for me anymore.
63. Anklets too.
64. I'm not the one beside you in photos.
65. Can't share my deepest secrets with you.
66. No more sitting on my bean bag eating MAC.
67. Won't be watching my TV too, unless you buy it from me~
68. I can't hug you anymore.
69. No more crazy meet ups in wee hours.
70. I will not recognise the route to your house anymore.
71. Won't be in the same team when we go bowling.
72. You'll not receive any phone calls from me whenever I travel.
73. The post card collection will stop.
74. I won't have the extra cookies when we eat Subway.
75. I can never finish my Chawanmushi.
76. You have no sunglasses to wear at the Airshow, then you cannot see anything.
77. No more staying over at my place.
78. Can't touch your muscles anymore.
79. Your hair also.
80. And your stomach muscles.
81. No more TYR discounts for you.
82. Whenever I cry, I can't call you anymore.
83. I can't whine.
84. I have to be watchful of my every single action and words.
85. Can't talk to you and disturb you during movies.
86. You won't be sharing Nachos and Popcorn with me.
87. Can't steal your jacket to wear anymore.
88. Your cap too.
89. I won't be able to crash your lectures anymore.
90. Then I will not know more about Albert Einstein.
91. No more supper.
92. We'll both lose weight then.(Bad for you, Good for me)
93. I have to change your photo in my HP to a more decent one.
94. Ringone too.
95. We haven't pluck eyebrows yet~
96. Nor have we gone on a holiday together.
97. No more shopping together.
98. I miss you.
99. I miss you.
100.I miss you.

aye.. did i make it sound like we're dying or something? hee~

Actually these are the reasons why I would rather stay half-less till your other half is found. Because I am gonna be so not used to any drastic change. It is going to be drastic because we've been so close for almost a year(and for dunno how long more). It's complicating, I dunno how to explain.

I think I'm a selfish friend. I don't really wanna share you with other friends. I want your free time for myself. Whenever you have goodies, I want you to think of me first and give them to me! Of course, when you have any troubles or wearies, I want to be the first one in your mind. I'm going to 'so-don't-like' your other half, so don't bother introducing her to me.

Then again, after a few years, who knows what's gonna happen.. just come back to this very entry and have a good laugh over it.

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