. . .mY bLoG, mY aCcOuNt, mY jOurNaL, mY LoG, mY cHroNoLoGy, mY cOnFeSsiOn, mY LiFe . . .

almost 3 weeks.. and yesterday was the first time i stayed in school till 6pm! to mark 3 weeks load of assignments.. no joke! procrastinate till now.. imagine all the work i've given X 40 pupils *faint*

Made quite a few "friends" in the staff room.. got to know this teacher that plays the piano too! We had an agreement that we'll meet up in the music room to play a duet together! There's 2 pianos in the music room! yeah!

One of the HODs gave me this chocolate. She's the most gentle and caring lady in the school. Really! not because she gave me chocolate.. but the words she said to me. It's simply motivating. Well, all other teachers did advise me and talk to me abit about school life.. but this HOD simply touched my heart. Genuinely true.

I need chocolates! My supply of Kinder Bueno's long gone...

- something that is or is kept secret, hidden, or concealed.

I have a l o t

and of course

kept secret.. kept hidden.. kept concealed


Anonymous said...

chocolates? try snickers! i heard it's fortified with lotsa chinese protein... good for kidney stones.

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