. . .mY bLoG, mY aCcOuNt, mY jOurNaL, mY LoG, mY cHroNoLoGy, mY cOnFeSsiOn, mY LiFe . . .


Help!! stop my durian craze! it's all your fault lah! I wanted to go home straight after gym on Wed evening.. But you.. you.. you..

Ok lah..not exactly your fault... we went 848 for yong tau hu.. so healthy loh! upon finishing my last fishball, this aroma just.. got into my nostrils lah.. wanted to buy just ONE.. really! just one.. but hor, one for $5.. 3 for $12.. of course buy 3 lah!

Ya..it's your fault.. because.. you're supposed to stop me from buying 3! well, we went to a void deck to eat.. just one.. and a half durian.. and he brought the rest home for his parents.. simply crazy loh.. but nice lah.. it's been a long time since i ate something at void deck.. he asked me if i remembered when was the last time we had food at void deck.. i simply can't recall a thing!

It was at my 619 house.. he bought prata over.. with curry somemore.. and i brought utensils down..and feast on it.. oh man.. he said i was simply crazy that time..

ok..no more durians for now...


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