. . .mY bLoG, mY aCcOuNt, mY jOurNaL, mY LoG, mY cHroNoLoGy, mY cOnFeSsiOn, mY LiFe . . .

PiNk DaY~

It's PiNk DaY simply because I'm happy today.. i had alot of time for myself... I haven't had such good times for a long while...it all started last night.. reminiscing.. when was the last time you laughed til you teared? you know..i miss being my bubbly self.. also, i woke up at 1230pm today! I miss sleeping..really.. started to paint my room.. now..2 sides of my wall's done! and..half a ceiling...that leaves me with half a ceiling and 2 more sides.. *pant* Painted my room for 3.5 hours loh! my arms ache like mad! went out.. and had dinner at club..
i think the dish i liked most is...this plate of fruits! don't you think it's very Ka-Le-Ful! so pretty right! i can't bear to eat it!


You are my all in all~


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